The controversy of who created God 

The controversy of who created God 

That controversy is complicated and arises from a false assumption that God was originally caused or created.

??the Creator is Unique, and we should not try to project our 
attributes and feelings to Him. If a battery operated toy could imagine, it would 
most probably think that it was made by a battery operated being. Humans fell 
into this trap. We cannot imagine that God exists in His own essence without a 
cause because we see everything around us in need of such a cause.

?? Is God a thing that falls under the category of created things…? Can this question be valid? We cannot ask what anger tastes like. As it does not fall under the category of things we can eat. Rather, it is a thing that falls under the category of things that we can feel. Similarly, our question of what the color red smells like is not valid, since colors do not fall under the category of things that have a smell.

??Everything needs a cause, but God Almighty simply exists and is uncaused. 
Something had to have been in existence before everything, as God, in fact, is the primary cause.

if we say that everything has a source and this source itself has a source, and if we keep up this pattern, each source code is actively coming from a previous source, then the pattern will carry on perpetually. 

logically, this pattern must come to an end or rather to a beginning. It must reach a source that has no source. That's what we call ‘the primary source’. 

??The primary source must have existed before the beginning of time,because if it came into existence after the beginning of time, then that source itself must have had a beginning.

There must be something that preceded its existence. The primary source must have preceded time and space. Without the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, there would be no night or day, there would be no hours, days or months.

Therefore, time and space must have come into existence at the same time, and that is what 
science has proven.
??In the Quran, Surah Al Anbeyaa, verse 33, God the Almighty said: And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon all in an orbit are swimming.

So there is a difference between the primary cause and the primary event. The primary event, according to science is the Big Bang, which is a scientific theory about how the universe was created. But the primary cause should be what caused the Big Bang.

??Conclusion :

the world must have existed from an eternal source, a primary source that is uncaused.
the primary cause must have preceded time and space, energy and existence.

Therefore, nature cannot possibly be the creator of the universe because nature itself is time, space and energy and therefore the cause must have existed before nature.

Causation is a law for us who live in space and time. 
God, who created space and time, is transcendent in relation to both and it is an 
error on our part to think that he is bound by either. It is God who created the law 
of causation and we cannot consider Him as a subject to the law He created.